Don’t Miss the Nobscot Fall Meeting on Wednesday, October 3rd! 

fall meeting edited 2018-1


E is for Election

On October 5, 2016 Nobscot Reading Council hosted “E is for Election Day” featuring author Gloria Gavris at the Armstrong Elementary School in Westborough.  E is for Election Day, a fun and engaging A-to-Z tour of the American electoral process, introduces contemporary aspects of the election season in an informative and child-friendly way.  Raised in a politically active family, Ms. Gavris also shared personal memories of elections during her childhood and adolescence.  Her presentation, very relevant during this presidential election year, showed that everyone has the power to make a real difference in their government.  Attendees had the opportunity to purchase signed copies of Ms. Gavris’ book at the end of the program.

Gloria Gavris, above, displayed her book during her engaging presentation, "E is for Election."

Gloria Gavris, above, displayed her book during her engaging presentation, “E is for Election.”

After Ms. Gavris presentation John Mendes, principal of Armstrong Elementary School in Westborough, was presented with the Nobscot Reading Council’s 2016 Celebrate Literacy Award.  John is an inspirational school leader who has a way of motivating teachers and students alike to work hard and achieve goals.  He utilizes a school model of education where “all” includes school staff, students, parents, and community.  When it concerns literacy, he has a shared vision of success for each student, has created a positive school environment, promotes leadership opportunities for others, believes in the importance of using data to inform instruction, and has worked with the staff to improve literacy instruction at Armstrong Elementary School.  He is an exemplary “literacy principal” who is most worthy of the Celebrate Literacy award.

John Mendes is shown receiving the Celebrate Literacy Award from Terrie Marr, a member of the NRC Board of Directors.

John Mendes is shown receiving the Celebrate Literacy Award from Terrie Marr, a member of the NRC Board of Directors.

Nobscot Reading Council’s March Event

The 3rd Annual Literacy Carousel has been Rescheduled for Monday, March 26th.  Program location (Stallbrook Elementary School) and time frame (3:30 PM – 6:30 PM)  remains the same.  This program still offers a tasty treat and sensational sessions.  Unfortunately, our keynote speaker was not available for this date.  We will extend the times of out breakout sessions instead.  More updates will follow this weekend.


Photos From Previous Meetings




Gloria Gavris, above, displayed her book during her engaging presentation, “E is for Election.”


John Mendes is shown receiving the Celebrate Literacy Award from Terrie Marr, a member of the NRC Board of Directors.






The Nobscot Reading Council, Inc. is a local, non-profit, professional organization open to all those interested in promoting literacy. Over the years, the Nobscot Reading Council (NRC) has repeatedly achieved Honor Council status from the International Reading Association (IRA), recently renamed the International Literacy Association. The ILA awards Honor Council status to those Councils who have successfully met its stringent criteria.